Players Cup
A League/Cup is a competition with matches between participants
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Next season starts 2024-10-01
21 Participants
ConTh | nannachan | asu | Dino |
Cantona | Rodricks | anuthangavel | Egenia |
Pizza | JohnJ | Rion | leffi69 |
rigrik | masterluke | Lainen | Sianpaeae |
Obelix | AXE10 | chrisnz74 | ViktorLyhstal |
Bobrikov |
Group Rounds
Group 1 | Group 2 | Group 3 | Group 4 |
Group 5 | Group 6 | Group 7 | Group 8 |
Round 6
Sianpaeae | - | leffi69 | 6 - 5 | (0:30 - 0:35) | |
Markontic | - | Dino | 5 - 6 | (1:41 - 0:56) | |
SirPeter | - | Romex | 4 - 3 | (0:41 - 1:32) | |
chrisnz74 | - | linkop | 2 - 3 | (0:55 - 0:51) |
Sianpaeae | - | Dino | 5 - 5 |
| (0:33 - 0:49) |
SirPeter | - | linkop | 4 - 3 | (0:39 - 0:46) |
Sianpaeae | - | SirPeter | wo - 2 | ( - 0:34) |
Day(s) for new matches: | Saturday |
Questions per match: | 6 |
Days before w.o.: | 7 |
Maxtime (s) per match: | 120 |
Time diff for draw: | 10 |
Minimum time per question (s): | 5 |
Rule at same point in table: | Score |
Difficulty: | Average |
Current Champion: | SirPeter |
Last round: | 2024-08-31 |
Start of Season: | 2024-10-01 |
Players per group: | 6 |
Participants: | 33 |