Hall of Fame

This is a ranking of our members. Emphasis is on participation with extra points for success in our competitions.

Top 100 - This Year
NoImageNameFlagCityBest meritPts
1Sianpaeae SianpaeaeVihtiWinner Science & Tech.-Cup 2025-0139
2asu asuTukholmaParticipated division 1 The League 2025-01 (254)34
3Romex RomexBergenParticipated division 1 The League 2025-01 (254)32
4Dino DinoBergenWinner Music-Cup 2025-0131
5monkeymagic monkeymagicPlayoff Science & Tech.-Cup 2025-0129
6Cantona CantonaWinner Weekly Race 2025-0428
7rigrik rigrikPlayoff language-Cup 2025-0127
8leffi69 leffi69SolaWinner Weekly Race 2025-0226
9chrisnz74 chrisnz74ChristchurchParticipated Daily Q 2025-0123
JohnJ JohnJMalagaPlayoff Science & Tech.-Cup 2025-0123
11Fragge FraggeVÄSTERVIKPlayoff Science & Tech.-Cup 2025-0122
12vasi vasiathensPlayoff Misc.-Cup 2025-0121
Markontic MarkonticBelgradeParticipated Daily Q 2025-0121
ViktorLyhstal ViktorLyhstalGaliciaProfile information 2025-0221
SirPeter SirPeterPlayoff Science & Tech.-Cup 2025-0121
juhni juhni64*NProfile information 2025-0221
17trumper trumperWinner language-Cup 2025-0120
18nannachan nannachanChesterfieldParticipated Daily Q 2025-0119
AXE10 AXE10StockholmParticipated Daily Q 2025-0119
Rangarilla RangarillaBrightonParticipated The League 2025-01 (254)19
Lainen LainenPlayoff Science & Tech.-Cup 2025-0119
22justakid justakidDeception Bay, QueenslandParticipated Daily Q 2025-0117
Egenia EgeniaValldaParticipated Daily Q 2025-0117
nantia nantiaATHENSParticipated The League 2025-01 (254)17
25loic loicATHENSParticipated The League 2025-01 (254)16
Fifa1234 Fifa1234KangeyamParticipated Daily Q 2025-0116
27anuthangavel anuthangavelKangayamParticipated Daily Q 2025-0115
28amaai amaaiParticipated Daily Q 2025-0114
habobo haboboParticipated Daily Q 2025-0114
Obelix ObelixParticipated The League 2025-01 (254)14
31tioPepe tioPepeHedemoraProfile information 2025-0213
Bobrikov BobrikovStockholmParticipated The League 2025-01 (254)13
HansA HansAStockholmParticipated Daily Q 2025-0113
linkop linkopParticipated The League 2025-01 (254)13
Tanu1234 Tanu1234Participated Daily Q 2025-0113
36Patrikk PatrikkUddevallaParticipated division 1 The League 2025-01 (254)12
Pizza PizzaParticipated The League 2025-01 (254)12
Vasa VasaKodeProfile information 2025-0212
39ConTh ConThStockholmProfile information 2025-0211
Gunnarfo GunnarfoOrebroParticipated The League 2025-01 (254)11
Bertilblues BertilbluesUmeåParticipated The League 2025-01 (254)11
JimStrom JimStromParticipated Daily Q 2025-0111
cyric cyricMalmöParticipated Daily Q 2025-0111
siwash siwashNackaParticipated division 1 The League 2025-01 (254)11
Pegasus PegasusburnleyParticipated The League 2025-01 (254)11
Heela HeelaParticipated League of Nations season 10 (round 4)11
Ulfie UlfieParticipated Daily Q 2025-0111
48anirac aniracOrebroParticipated The League 2025-01 (254)10
cina cinaKarlstadParticipated The League 2025-01 (254)10
masterluke masterlukeAntwerpParticipated The League 2025-01 (254)10
jojn jojnVästra FrölundaParticipated Daily Q 2025-0110
52riehtila riehtilaOuluParticipated The League 2025-01 (254)9
Jiniesta JiniestaBergenParticipated The League 2025-01 (254)9
Rauski11 Rauski11LahtiParticipated The League 2025-01 (254)9
55mikaelte mikaelteParticipated The League 2025-01 (254)8
janosh janoshParticipated The League 2025-01 (254)8
Papyrus PapyrusGhentProfile information 2025-028
spolformat spolformatParticipated Daily Q 2025-018
59LizzyMilla LizzyMillaStockholmProfile information 2025-026
Loveses LovesesBorlängeProfile information 2025-026
Hades HadesCity ad MortisParticipated The League 2025-01 (254)6
Thanu1 Thanu1Participated The League 2025-01 (254)6
63mata71 mata71TampereParticipated Daily Q 2025-015
Yatz YatzSkåneParticipated The League 2025-01 (254)5
Zegol ZegolParticipated The League 2025-01 (254)5
66bighitter bighitterParticipated Daily Q 2025-014
Sud SudGöteborgProfile information 2025-024
Myra62 Myra62RonnebyParticipated The League 2025-01 (254)4
lottalo lottaloÖrebroProfile information 2025-024
Noone NooneDalecarliaParticipated Daily Q 2025-014
49ers 49ersGothenburgParticipated The League 2025-01 (254)4
Flygare40 Flygare40Participated Daily Q 2025-014
PeterTheGreat PeterTheGreatAngelholmParticipated Daily Q 2025-014
robbelirobban robbelirobbanParticipated division 1 The League 2025-01 (254)4
Gullelej GullelejParticipated The League 2025-01 (254)4
carmen carmenrabatProfile information 2025-024
ToddSeals ToddSealsParticipated Daily Q 2025-014
sunny sunnyParticipated The League 2025-01 (254)4
SebastianDohmen SebastianDohmenParticipated division 1 The League 2025-01 (254)4
Potkaelgen PotkaelgenParticipated Daily Q 2025-014
Jula JulaParticipated Daily Q 2025-014
Pistachio PistachioGreen ForestProfile information 2025-024
waterhouse waterhouseParticipated The League 2025-01 (254)4
Illusion IllusionParticipated Daily Q 2025-014
Lillegutt LilleguttParticipated The League 2025-01 (254)4
Sven_Usling Sven_UslingParticipated The League 2025-01 (254)4
HaHaharnesk HaHaharneskParticipated Daily Q 2025-014
maats maatsParticipated The League 2025-01 (254)4
Haze63 Haze63Participated Daily Q 2025-014
HENRIS HENRISParticipated Daily Q 2025-014
paulaz paulazParticipated Daily Q 2025-014
Davabum DavabumParticipated The League 2025-01 (254)4
HEXE HEXEParticipated The League 2025-01 (254)4
Flingon FlingonParticipated The League 2025-01 (254)4
95TJ TJLillehammerParticipated The League 2025-01 (254)2
LuxMajsan LuxMajsanLuxembourgProfile information 2025-022
katja katjaTsarskoye SeloProfile information 2025-022
Dragonian DragonianNewportProfile information 2025-022
annhetty annhettyParticipated The League 2025-01 (254)2
Haraldigus1 Haraldigus1Participated Daily Q 2025-012
Top 100 - All Time
NoImageNameFlagCityBest meritPts
1Markontic MarkonticBelgradeQuarterfinal Players Cup Summer 20245239
2elemental elementalWinner Players Cup Autum 20114462
3asu asuTukholmaWinner Players Cup Spring 20104002
4KMR KMRBergenFinal Players Cup Summer 20113760
5juhni juhni64*NSemifinal Players Cup Autumn 20233493
6Manne ManneGothenburgWinner The League 2017-06 (155)3259
7late lateLahtiSemifinal Players Cup Spring 20123257
8Alces AlcesLeader Head2Head 2019-01 3142
9Sandsken SandskenAlingsåsFinal Players Cup Autum 20112938
10aragulin aragulinHelsinkiWinner month Head2Head 2016-092890
11WolfsEye WolfsEyeMoldeWinner month Head2Head 2018-062850
12panpeter panpeterHelsinkiLeader Head2Head 2017-04 2768
13MSY MSYPlace 2 in The League division 1 2020-09 (197)2698
14siwash siwashNackaSemifinal Players Cup Summer 20142568
15Sianpaeae SianpaeaeVihtiFinal Playoff 2024 2392
16justakid justakidDeception Bay, QueenslandWinner month Head2Head 2016-112382
17ModernLine ModernLineTurkuWinner Players Cup Summer 20142357
18Gunnarfo GunnarfoOrebroWinner The League 2020-10 (198)2308
19katja katjaTsarskoye SeloSemifinal Players Cup Autumn 20092248
20Pielinen PielinenWinner month Head2Head 2018-012246
21Pistachio PistachioGreen ForestLeader Head2Head 2020-03 2037
22anirac aniracOrebroFinal Players Cup Winter 2005/061952
23rigrik rigrikSemifinal Players Cup Autumn 20241814
24meriel merielKato PaphosWinner Players Cup Summer 20101777
25tomaz tomazDalarnaWinner Players Cup Spring 20081764
26Romex RomexBergenWinner Players Cup Spring 20241663
27Dino DinoBergenWinner Playoff 2024 1622
28cella cellaWinner month Head2Head 2017-071562
29robbelirobban robbelirobbanFinal Players Cup Summer 20081537
30cina cinaKarlstadWinner The League 2018-10 (172)1520
31vasi vasiathensWinner month Head2Head 2018-111424
32Bertrand BertrandWinner division 5:1 The League 2022-05 (219)1402
33Viking VikingWinner month Head2Head 2019-081371
34Lion LionMalmoe - SwedenWinner division 4:5 The League 2016-04 (140)1315
35WindBlossom WindBlossomCARDIFFFinal Players Cup Spring 20141291
36cyric cyricMalmöWinner division 4:7 The League 2024-11 (252)1284
37Annso AnnsoDalarnaWinner The League 2014-03 (112)1265
38loic loicATHENSSemifinal Players Cup Spring 20241190
39hey heyhalmstadFinal Players Cup Autumn 20091121
40Niceman NicemanLuxembourgWinner Players Cup Summer 20061115
41pedrod pedrod2nd place Head2Head 2022-091111
42Patrikk PatrikkUddevallaParticipated division 1 The League 2025-01 (254)1104
43merchacko merchackoLeader Head2Head 2016-10 1082
44tioPepe tioPepeHedemoraWinner division 3:3 The League 2024-12 (253)1070
45bighitter bighitterWinner division 5:1 The League 2024-09 (250)1056
46hajlana hajlanahalmstadWinner Players Cup Winter 20091055
47Noone NooneDalecarliaWinner division 5:12 The League 2024-03 (243)1054
48amaai amaaiWinner division 4:3 The League 2024-12 (253)1052
49mata71 mata71TampereWinner month Head2Head 2019-021042
50LuxMajsan LuxMajsanLuxembourg1/8 round Players Cup Spring 20091041
51JJKom JJKomTurku1/8 round Players Cup Spring 20121032
52jogru jogruWinner month Head2Head 2016-021025
53habobo haboboWinner division 4:4 The League 2024-12 (253)1022
54JimStrom JimStromWinner division 3:1 The League 2024-08 (248)1001
55ToddSeals ToddSealsWinner division 4:2 The League 2024-04 (244)974
nil nilBorlänge1/8 round Players Cup Spring 2010974
57gangs gangsMidsundWinner Players Cup Autumn 2010934
58Loveses LovesesBorlängeWinner division 5:4 The League 2024-07 (247)909
59chrisnz74 chrisnz74ChristchurchQuarterfinal Players Cup Summer 2024895
60Katitzi KatitziWinner division 5:8 The League 2022-09 (223)889
Yatz YatzSkåneWinner division 5:1 The League 2023-03 (230)889
62sci-fi sci-fiWinner The League 2024-03 (243)884
63Marlboroman MarlboromanLondonWinner Players Cup Autumn 2006879
64Megalodoras MegalodorasWinner Players Cup Spring 2009835
65Tojje TojjeWinner division 4:3 The League 2021-04 (205)816
66Susie SusieWinner division 4:5 The League 2024-12 (253)815
67philandrews philandrewsWinner division 5:6 The League 2023-04 (231)804
68ankii ankiiWinner The League 2022-10 (224)803
69erroma erromaSydneyWinner division 4:2 The League 2022-08 (222)789
70Cantona CantonaSemifinal Playoff 2024 788
71Potkaelgen PotkaelgenWinner division 5:3 The League 2024-10 (251)764
72monkeymagic monkeymagicQuarterfinal Players Cup 2024763
73waterhouse waterhouseWinner division 5:3 The League 2024-11 (252)726
74DelTheCase DelTheCaseHullParticipated division 1 The League 2024-11 (252)712
75leffi69 leffi69SolaSemifinal Players Cup Winter 2023708
76annhetty annhettyWinner division 5:7 The League 2024-03 (243)700
77Bertilblues BertilbluesUmeå1/8 round Players Cup Spring 2006699
TomVidar TomVidarWinner division 3:3 The League 2021-06 (207)699
79riehtila riehtilaOuluWinner month Head2Head 2019-01696
80Catherine CatherineWinner division 5:4 The League 2024-11 (252)694
81northernlamb northernlambOntarioWinner division 5:2 The League 2020-07 (195)682
82sunnyrose sunnyroseWinner division 5:13 The League 2018-09 (171)680
masterluke masterlukeAntwerpSemifinal Players Cup Spring 2023680
84Gittan45 Gittan45Örebro länWinner division 5:3 The League 2015-02 (124)679
85Sud SudGöteborgWinner division 3:4 The League 2024-03 (243)678
86ViktorLyhstal ViktorLyhstalGalicia1/8 round Players Cup Winter 2011676
87Paddy PaddyGothenburgWinner division 5:9 The League 2015-05 (128)670
88IvanD IvanDWinner division 3:3 The League 2017-09 (158)660
89fredlar fredlarWinner division 4:7 The League 2024-08 (248)658
Rogl RoglWinner division 3:4 The League 2024-10 (251)658
91nick nickUmeåWinner division 5:2 The League 2024-09 (249)655
92Reveranders Reveranders1/8 round Players Cup Summer 2006642
93Jula JulaWinner division 4:8 The League 2024-12 (253)636
94litenast litenastWinner division 5:16 The League 2020-09 (197)630
95gunde gundeKlippanFinal Players Cup Spring 2008626
96mikaelte mikaelteSemifinal Players Cup Spring 2023622
97Jetka JetkaWinner division 5:3 The League 2024-09 (250)617
Vessku VesskuKokkola1/8 round Players Cup Autumn 2007617
99nab01 nab01Winner division 5:11 The League 2020-10 (198)614
100Jeff_Tempe Jeff_TempeWinner division 5:1 The League 2018-10 (172)613

Calculation of points for Hall of Fame

Daily Q
- Answered more han 20 questions a month - 1 p.

The League
- Winner (div. 1) - 6 p.
- Second (div. 1) - 4 p.
- Third (div. 1) - 2 p.
- Group winner - 2 p. (other than div. 1)
- Participated div. 1 - 2 p.
- Participated - 2 p.

Players Cup
- Winner - 12 p.
- Runner Up - 10 p.
- Semifinal - 8 p.
- Quarterfinal - 6 p.
- Playoff - 2 p.
- Participated - 2 p.

Category Cups
- Winner - 3 p.
- Playoff - 1 p.
- Participated - 1 p.

Weekly Race
- Winner - 2 p.
- Participated - 1 p.

League of Nations
- Participated - 1 p.

Profile information
- Entered member picture, year of birth, gender and city - 1 p. (per month)