Member LuxMajsan

Look at all the people... 😃
Search member

Member since:2005-09-12
Last login:2014-11-10
Points Hall of Fame this year (total):7 (1037)
Year of birth:1970
unranked (0 p.)
To next level: 5 p.

Participates in:


Merits (1037 points)

10 greatest merits

Competition Info
1/8 round Players Cup Spring 20094 points
1/8 round Players Cup Autumn 20064 points
Winner QuizMaster - evening 2009-01-213 points
Winner QuizMaster - evening 2009-02-113 points
Winner QuizMaster - evening 2009-02-183 points
Participated Players Cup Autumn 20072 points
Winner division 6:28 The League 2012-06 (90)2 points
Participated Players Cup Spring 20092 points
Participated Players Cup Autumn 20062 points
Participated Players Cup Spring 20072 points

All merits
Merits last 90 days
Merits this year
Subjects written by LuxMajsan (8)
Subject No
Trinidad and Tobago 11 3 4 3
Holiday Destinations 31 4 5 3
Ice Cream 12 4 4 3
Earth from above 10 4 5 3
The World of Finance 32 4 4 3
Who, when, where, what? 30 4 5 3
Luxembourg 15 3 4 3
Metal 10 3 4 2