Member asu

Look at all the people... 😃
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Member since:2006-04-18
Last login:2024-06-16
Points Hall of Fame this year (total):87 (3784)
Year of birth:1962
PB Weekly Race:462
Silver (67 p.)
To next level: 33 p.

Participates in:

Daily Q: 13 correct answers (of 16)

The League: Division 1

Players Cup: Group 3


Merits (3784 points)

10 greatest merits

Competition Info
Winner Players Cup Spring 201012 points
Final Players Cup 202410 points
Semifinal Players Cup Spring 20128 points
1/8 round Players Cup Winter 20114 points
1/8 round Players Cup Winter 2006-074 points
1/8 round Players Cup Autumn 20074 points
1/8 round Players Cup Winter 09/104 points
1/8 round Players Cup Autum 20114 points
Winner Entertainment-Cup 2016-033 points
Winner Literature-Cup 2021-073 points

All merits
Merits last 90 days
Merits this year
Subjects written by asu (26)
Subject No
Xanadu 15 5 3 3
Kurt Vonnegut 16 3 3 3
Judo 16 5 3 3
Uralic Languages 11 2 3 3
Coffee 14 5 3 3
Auschwitz 18 5 4 3
Countries and Stamps 21 2 4 3
Monopoly (game) 12 3 4 2
Monarchies of Today 13 3 3 3
Corsica 20 4 3 3
Vanilla 10 5 4 3
Youssou N’Dour 11 3 3 3
Sputnik Program 12 2 3 3
Seas and Oceans 32 2 3 3
Best selling albums 33 2 3 2
Christmas movies 32 3 0 3
Movies from 2009 33 3 3 3
Winter Olympics 31 2 3 3
Game boards 17 3 4 3
Divided islands 12 3 3 3
Casino 19 3 3 3
Arne Jacobsen 12 2 3 3
Dice 16 3 3 3
Amanda 10 5 3 3
Detroit Rock City 30 2 4 3
Album of the year in USA 33 2 0 3
Grades set by asu (2)
Subject Grade

Number of grades 2, Average Grade 5
Count per Grade: 5=2, 4=0, 3=0, 2=0, 1=0