League of Nations

League of Nations is a special competition for the countries that members have chosen to represent (specified under settings). Matches are played by members answering 5 random questions once per match. The best results represent the team in the match.

League of Nations
Division 1
1Sweden 32017684
2United Kingdom 32014164
3Norway 32013964
4Finland 300323130

Day(s) for new matches:Monday
Rounds per season:5
Questions per match:5
Days before w.o.:7
Maxtime (s) per match:150
Time diff for draw:10
Minimum time per question (s):5
Current Champion:Sweden
Last round:2024-07-22
Start of Season:2024-06-24
Players per group:6

Round 1

Norway-Sweden 15 - 29(2 - 3) Show
Finland-United Kingdom w.o. - 17( - 2) Show

Round 2

Norway -Finland5 - w.o.(1 - ) Show
Sweden-United Kingdom 10 - 14(2 - 2) Show

Round 3

Norway -United Kingdom19 - 10(3 - 2) Show
Sweden -Finland37 - 23(3 - 3) Show