Participates in:
Merits (256 points)
10 greatest merits
Competition | Info |
Winner division 6:5 The League 2014-05 (115) | 2 points |
Participated The League 2006-08 | 2 points |
Participated The League 2006-07 | 2 points |
Participated The League 2006-06 | 2 points |
Participated The League 2006-05 | 2 points |
Participated The League 2006-04 | 2 points |
Participated The League 2006-03 | 2 points |
Participated The League 2006-02 | 2 points |
Participated The League 2006-01 | 2 points |
Participated The League 2005-12 | 2 points |
All merits
Merits last 90 days
Merits this year
Grades set by weerdo (1)
Subject | Grade |
Swedish |
Number of grades 1, Average Grade 5
Count per Grade: 5=1, 4=0, 3=0, 2=0, 1=0