
A League/Cup is a competition with matches between participants

Division 3
1Andhuun 7601314:0312
2Tore50 7502279:1310
3EysteinW 7403316:088
4Cantona no.png 7403252:468
5Dino no.png 7304253:016
6EyE 7304198:266
7Discobolus no.png 7304167:126
8Floys 700709:200

To Division 1

RoHollup-SnusMumrik1 - (0:00 - 0:00)

To Division 2

RUg-EysteinW - (0:00 - 0:00)

To Division 3

EyE-WiHau - (0:00 - 0:00)

To Division 4

10forsberg10-RJustad - (0:00 - 0:00)

To Division 5

VRooth-TeLoe - (0:00 - 0:00)

To Division 6

ER-Kenny - (0:00 - 0:00)

To Division 7

KjellVigestad-Aremark68 - (0:00 - 0:00)

To Division 8

KHil-KnutJH - (0:00 - 0:00)

To Division 9

TrEnge-HeN - (0:00 - 0:00)

Latest messages

01-10 13:38DinoFor å unngå risiko for at kampen plutselig stopper: IKKE start kampen direkte fra mottatt mail, men kopier ut linken, og lim den inn i en annen fane. Ev. start kampen på 'klokken' øverst til høyre
11-06 14:09SABenDe kampene som kommer under klokken er kamper for en annen liga som jeg ikke ønsker å være i.
11-02 12:39SABenDe kampene som kommer under klokken er kamper for en annen liga som jeg ikke ønsker å være i.

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Day(s) for new matches:Sunday
Rounds per season:7
Questions per match:7
Days before w.o.:7
Maxtime (s) per match:80
Time diff for draw:14
Rule at same point in table:Score
Competition administered by:KMR
Current Champion:jays
Players per group:8
Last round:2025-02-23
Start of Season:2025-01-27

Round 1

EysteinW-EyE - (0:00 - 0:00)
Andhuun-Dino - (0:00 - 0:00)
Cantona-Floys - (0:00 - 0:00)
Discobolus-Tore50 - (0:00 - 0:00)

Round 2

Dino-Discobolus - (0:00 - 0:00)
Tore50-Andhuun - (0:00 - 0:00)
Floys-EysteinW - (0:00 - 0:00)
EyE-Cantona - (0:00 - 0:00)

Round 3

Dino-EysteinW - (0:00 - 0:00)
Andhuun-EyE - (0:00 - 0:00)
Tore50-Cantona - (0:00 - 0:00)
Discobolus-Floys - (0:00 - 0:00)

Round 4

Andhuun-Discobolus - (0:00 - 0:00)
Tore50-Dino - (0:00 - 0:00)
EysteinW-Cantona - (0:00 - 0:00)
EyE-Floys - (0:00 - 0:00)

Round 5

EyE-Dino - (0:00 - 0:00)
EysteinW-Andhuun - (0:00 - 0:00)
Cantona-Discobolus - (0:00 - 0:00)
Floys-Tore50 - (0:00 - 0:00)

Round 6

Andhuun-Floys - (0:00 - 0:00)
Discobolus-EyE - (0:00 - 0:00)
Dino-Cantona - (0:00 - 0:00)
Tore50-EysteinW - (0:00 - 0:00)

Round 7

Discobolus-EysteinW - (0:00 - 0:00)
Dino-Floys - (0:00 - 0:00)
EyE-Tore50 - (0:00 - 0:00)
Cantona-Andhuun - (0:00 - 0:00)