The League

A League/Cup is a competition with matches between participants

Division 5:1 qual.


1Suniken 3201132:394
2dassie 211061:273
3sunny gb.png 310272:392
4The_Mollatron 110051:102
5demkatta de.png 210152:282
6Hartland 110040:392
7Aremark68 201161:401
8Vasa se.png 200203:200

Current round (3)

sunny-Suniken 3 - 4(0:59 - 0:42)
demkatta-dassie - (0:00 - 0:00)
Hartland-Vasax -  (x:xx -     )
The_Mollatron-Aremark68 - (0:00 - 0:00)
Day(s) for new matches:Monday, Thursday
Rounds per season:7
Questions per match:5
Days before w.o.:5
Maxtime (s) per match:100
Time diff for draw:10
Minimum time per question (s):5
Rule at same point in table:Score
Current Champion:Dino
Players per group:8
Last round:2024-12-02

The matches are randomly created this season

Round 1

Suniken-demkatta 5 - 5 (1:02 - 0:48)
dassie-Aremark684 - 4 (0:45 - 0:53)
sunny -Vasa3 - 0(0:54 - 1:40)

Round 2

sunny-The_Mollatron 1 - 5(0:46 - 1:10)
Hartland -demkatta4 - wo(0:39 - )
Aremark68-Suniken 2 - 4(0:47 - 0:55)
dassie -Vasa2 - wo(0:42 - )

Round 3

sunny-Suniken 3 - 4(0:59 - 0:42)
demkatta-dassie - (0:00 - 0:00)
Hartland-Vasax -  (x:xx -     )
The_Mollatron-Aremark68 - (0:00 - 0:00)