The League

A League/Cup is a competition with matches between participants

Division 5:1 qual.


1mstaubo 5320184:278
2LizzyMilla se.png 6321185:208
3Potkaelgen 5401123:048
4annhetty no.png 6222134:396
5CharlieSlim se.png 6204137:324
6peete 5203123:584
7Vasa se.png 620487:274
8Abhik in.png 500508:200

Current round (6)

peete-Potkaelgen  - x(     - x:xx)
Abhik-mstaubo  - x(     - x:xx)
LizzyMilla -CharlieSlim3 - 3 (0:48 - 1:04)
Vasa -annhetty3 - 2(0:44 - 0:57)
Day(s) for new matches:Monday, Thursday
Rounds per season:7
Questions per match:5
Days before w.o.:5
Maxtime (s) per match:100
Time diff for draw:10
Minimum time per question (s):5
Current Champion:Dino
Last round:2024-07-25
Players per group:8

The matches are randomly created this season

Round 1

annhetty-mstaubo2 - 2 (0:45 - 0:46)
peete -LizzyMilla3 - 3 (0:30 - 0:57)
CharlieSlim-Potkaelgen 2 - 2 (1:18 - 0:39)
Abhik-Vasawo - wo( - )

Round 2

LizzyMilla -Abhik3 - wo(1:05 - )
Vasa -peete2 - 1(0:56 - 0:31)
Potkaelgen -annhetty2 - 1(0:29 - 0:29)
mstaubo -CharlieSlim4 - 2(0:52 - 1:04)

Round 3

LizzyMilla-annhetty3 - 3 (0:47 - 0:50)
peete-mstaubo 3 - 5(0:37 - 0:57)
Vasa-CharlieSlim wo - 2( - 1:19)
Abhik-Potkaelgen wo - 2( - 0:34)

Round 4

peete -Abhik5 - wo(0:40 - )
Vasa-LizzyMilla 0 - 3(1:40 - 0:52)
annhetty -CharlieSlim3 - 1(0:56 - 1:23)
mstaubo -Potkaelgen4 - 2(1:02 - 0:47)

Round 5

mstaubo-LizzyMilla3 - 3 (0:50 - 0:51)
annhetty -peete2 - wo(0:42 - )
CharlieSlim -Abhik3 - wo(1:24 - )
Potkaelgen -Vasa4 - 3(0:35 - 0:47)

Round 6

peete-Potkaelgen  - x(     - x:xx)
Abhik-mstaubo  - x(     - x:xx)
LizzyMilla -CharlieSlim3 - 3 (0:48 - 1:04)
Vasa -annhetty3 - 2(0:44 - 0:57)