The League

A League/Cup is a competition with matches between participants

Division 5:4 qual.


1svensken 4400122:388
2ibm no.png 5311125:097
3sunny gb.png 4301113:306
4Flygare40 5212174:225
5jocj gb.png 410355:422
6agog se.png 400406:400
Mini in.png 400406:400
Nordlie 400406:400

Current round (6)

Flygare40-agogx -  (x:xx -     )
Mini-jocj - (0:00 - 0:00)
svensken-sunnyx -  (x:xx -     )
Nordlie-ibm  - x(     - x:xx)

Round 5

jocj-svensken  - x(     - x:xx)
ibm-Flygare403 - 3 (0:44 - 0:53)
sunny-Minix -  (x:xx -     )
agog-Nordlie - (0:00 - 0:00)
Day(s) for new matches:Monday, Thursday
Rounds per season:7
Questions per match:5
Days before w.o.:5
Maxtime (s) per match:100
Time diff for draw:10
Minimum time per question (s):5
Rule at same point in table:Score
Current Champion:Dino
Last round:2024-09-19
Players per group:8

The matches are randomly created this season

Round 1

ibm -jocj3 - wo(0:43 - )
Flygare40-svensken 3 - 3 (0:53 - 0:41)
sunny -agog3 - wo(1:04 - )
Mini-Nordliewo - wo( - )

Round 2

svensken -Mini4 - wo(0:30 - )
Nordlie-Flygare40 wo - 3( - 1:06)
agog-ibm wo - 3( - 0:59)
jocj-sunny wo - 3( - 0:46)

Round 3

svensken -ibm2 - wo(0:50 - )
Flygare40-jocj 4 - 5(0:42 - 0:42)
Nordlie-sunny wo - 3( - 0:53)
Mini-agogwo - wo( - )

Round 4

Flygare40 -Mini4 - wo(0:48 - )
Nordlie-svensken wo - 3( - 0:37)
ibm -sunny3 - 2(1:03 - 0:47)
jocj-agogwo - wo( - )

Round 5

jocj-svensken  - x(     - x:xx)
ibm-Flygare403 - 3 (0:44 - 0:53)
sunny-Minix -  (x:xx -     )
agog-Nordlie - (0:00 - 0:00)

Round 6

Flygare40-agogx -  (x:xx -     )
Mini-jocj - (0:00 - 0:00)
svensken-sunnyx -  (x:xx -     )
Nordlie-ibm  - x(     - x:xx)