Member Flygare40

Look at all the people... 😃
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Member since:2024-02-29
Last login:2024-12-03
Points Hall of Fame this year (total):44 (44)
Bronze (3 stars) (41 p.)
To next level: 9 p.

Participates in:

Daily Q: 3 correct answers (of 3)

The League: Division 3:2


Merits (44 points)

Merits this year

Competition Info
Winner division 5:3 The League 2024-04 (244)2 points
Participated The League 2024-04 (244)2 points
Participated The League 2024-05 (245)2 points
Participated The League 2024-06 (246)2 points
Participated The League 2024-07 (247)2 points
Participated The League 2024-08 (248)2 points
Participated The League 2024-09 (249)2 points
Participated The League 2024-09 (250)2 points
Participated The League 2024-10 (251)2 points
Participated The League 2024-11 (252)2 points
Participated The League 2024-03 (243)2 points
Participated The League 2024-02 (242)2 points
Participated Daily Q 2024-112 points
Participated Daily Q 2024-032 points
Participated Daily Q 2024-042 points
Participated Daily Q 2024-052 points
Participated Daily Q 2024-062 points
Participated Daily Q 2024-072 points
Participated Daily Q 2024-082 points
Participated Daily Q 2024-092 points
Participated Daily Q 2024-102 points
Participated Weekly Race 2024-221 points
Participated Weekly Race 2024-091 points
10 greatest merits
All merits
Merits last 90 days
Merits this year
Grades set by Flygare40 (1)
Subject Grade
Napoleon Bonaparte

Number of grades 1, Average Grade 5
Count per Grade: 5=1, 4=0, 3=0, 2=0, 1=0