Member WindBlossom

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Member since:2007-07-06
Last login:2015-07-13
Points Hall of Fame this year (total):7 (1287)
Year of birth:1968
Country:United Kingdom
unranked (0 p.)
To next level: 5 p.

Participates in:


Merits (3 points)

Merits last 90 days

Competition Info
Profile information 2024-081 points
Profile information 2024-091 points
Profile information 2024-101 points
10 greatest merits
All merits
Merits last 90 days
Merits this year
Subjects written by WindBlossom (10)
Subject No
The Dragonriders of Pern 20 4 3 3
Stargate SG-1 32 4 3 3
The US Civil War 12 4 3 4
Hitch-Hikers Guide... 18 4 3 3
Bond Movies 25 4 4 3
Cult TV Themes 20 4 3 3
Wales 32 3 3 3
Oscar Winners 22 4 4 4
Card and Board Games 13 3 3 3
Ladies of Country 31 3 0 4
Grades set by WindBlossom (1)
Subject Grade
Countries and Stamps

Number of grades 1, Average Grade 3
Count per Grade: 5=0, 4=0, 3=1, 2=0, 1=0