Member imforss

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Member since:2023-02-17
Last login:2024-07-20
Points Hall of Fame this year (total):22 (50)
Year of birth:1971
PB Weekly Race:241
Bronze (2 stars) (27 p.)
To next level: 8 p.

Participates in:

Players Cup: Group 4


Merits (50 points)

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Competition Info
Winner division 4:6 The League 2024-05 (245)2 points
Participated The League 2023-04 (231)2 points
Participated The League 2023-05 (232)2 points
Participated The League 2023-06 (233)2 points
Participated The League 2024-02 (242)2 points
Participated The League 2024-03 (243)2 points
Participated The League 2024-04 (244)2 points
Participated The League 2024-05 (245)2 points
Participated The League 2024-06 (246)2 points
Participated The League 2024-07 (247)2 points
Winner division 5:8 The League 2023-01 (228)2 points
Winner division 4:8 The League 2023-02 (229)2 points
Winner division 5:5 The League 2024-02 (242)2 points
Participated The League 2023-03 (230)2 points
Participated The League 2023-02 (229)2 points
Participated DailyQ 2023-062 points
Participated Players Cup Spring 20232 points
Participated Players Cup Summer 20232 points
Participated Players Cup Summer 20242 points
Participated DailyQ 2023-032 points
Participated DailyQ 2023-042 points
Participated DailyQ 2023-052 points
Participated Weekly Race 2024-091 points
Playoff Misc.-Cup 2023-051 points
Participated League of Nations season 4 (round 1)1 points
Participated League of Nations season 4 (round 2)1 points
Participated League of Nations season 4 (round 4)1 points
Participated Misc.-Cup 2023-051 points
1/8 round Players Cup Spring 20230 points
10 greatest merits
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Merits this year