Member vasi

Look at all the people... 😃
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Member since:2006-11-26
Last login:2024-10-17
Points Hall of Fame this year (total):155 (1356)
Year of birth:1982
PB Weekly Race:451
Silver (76 p.)
To next level: 24 p.

Participates in:

Daily Q: 11 correct answers (of 15)

The League: Division 4:1


Merits (51 points)

Merits last 90 days

Competition Info
Participated The League 2024-09 (249)2 points
Participated The League 2024-08 (248)2 points
Participated Daily Q 2024-092 points
Participated Daily Q 2024-072 points
Participated The League 2024-09 (250)2 points
Participated Weekly Race 2024-361 points
Participated Weekly Race 2024-311 points
Participated Weekly Race 2024-301 points
Participated Weekly Race 2024-291 points
Profile information 2024-101 points
Profile information 2024-091 points
Profile information 2024-081 points
Participated League of Nations season 7 (round 2)1 points
Participated Weekly Race 2024-321 points
Participated Weekly Race 2024-331 points
Participated Weekly Race 2024-341 points
Participated Weekly Race 2024-351 points
Participated Weekly Race 2024-371 points
Participated Weekly Race 2024-381 points
Participated Weekly Race 2024-391 points
Participated Weekly Race 2024-401 points
Participated Weekly Race 2024-411 points
Participated League of Nations season 7 (round 1)1 points
Participated League of Nations season 6 (round 5)1 points
Participated Science & Tech.-Cup 2024-091 points
Participated Misc.-Cup 2024-091 points
Participated Current affairs-Cup 2024-081 points
Participated Movies-Cup 2024-081 points
Participated Music-Cup 2024-091 points
Playoff Culture-Cup 2024-071 points
Participated Culture-Cup 2024-071 points
Participated Entertainment-Cup 2024-071 points
Participated Literature-Cup 2024-071 points
Playoff Science & Tech.-Cup 2024-091 points
Participated Around the World-Cup 2024-071 points
Participated League of Nations season 4 (round 5)1 points
Participated League of Nations season 6 (round 4)1 points
Participated League of Nations season 6 (round 3)1 points
Participated League of Nations season 6 (round 2)1 points
Participated League of Nations season 6 (round 1)1 points
Participated League of Nations season 5 (round 5)1 points
Participated League of Nations season 5 (round 4)1 points
Participated League of Nations season 5 (round 3)1 points
Participated League of Nations season 5 (round 2)1 points
Participated League of Nations season 5 (round 1)1 points
Participated language-Cup 2024-091 points
10 greatest merits
All merits
Merits last 90 days
Merits this year
Grades set by vasi (5)
Subject Grade
Napoleon Bonaparte
Russian Authors
Which Author
Alexander the Great
David Lynch films

Number of grades 5, Average Grade 4
Count per Grade: 5=1, 4=3, 3=1, 2=0, 1=0